教育學院>國際交流>姊妹院校>系所級合作單位 │系所級合作單位 教育學系 Department of Education University of California, Los Angeles 加州大學洛杉磯分校 合作單位:Paulo Freire Institute 簽約合作:2006 MOU https://www.freire.org/ Kyushu University 九州大學 合作單位:Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies 簽約合作:2022 雙聯協議(洽談中) https://www.hues.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ 教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling University of Missouri, Columbia 密蘇里大學哥倫比亞校區 合作單位:Department of Educational, School and Counseling Psychology in the College of Education 簽約合作:2021 MOU+學生交流+雙聯協議(學+碩/碩+碩) https://education.missouri.edu/educational-school-counseling-psychology/ Waseda University 早稻田大學 合作單位:Okuma School of Public Management 簽約合作:2010 MOU http://www.waseda.jp/seikei/osp/english_osp/about.html 社會教育學系 Department of Adult & Continuing Education Soongsil University 崇實大學 合作單位:Department of Lifelong Education 簽約合作:2008 MOU https://pre.ssu.ac.kr/web/eng/home 人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development & Family Studies Seoul National University 首爾國立大學 合作單位:Department of Child Development and Family Studies 簽約合作:2015 MOU http://che.snu.ac.kr/en/che_de_fhild 特殊教育學系 Department of Special Education University of Texas at Austin 德州大學奧斯汀校區 合作單位:Department of Special Education 簽約合作:2018 MOU https://education.utexas.edu/departments/special-education 復健諮商研究所 Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling University of Massachusetts Boston 麻州大學波斯頓校區 合作單位:Northeast Regional Center 簽約合作:2009 MOU https://www.lighthouseguild.org/program-directory/northeast-regional-center-for-vision-education-university-of-massachusetts-boston/ 資訊教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education Uppsala University 烏普薩拉大學 合作單位:Department of Information Technology 簽約合作:2017 MOU+學生交換 https://www.it.uu.se/ 圖書資訊學研究所 Graduate Institute of Library & Information Studies University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 威斯康辛大學密爾瓦基分校 合作單位:School of Information Studies 簽約合作:2019 雙聯學位 https://uwm.edu/informationstudies/ University College Dublin 都柏林大學 合作單位:School of Information and Library Studies 簽約合作:2013 學生交換 http://www.ucd.ie/sils/ Nanjing University 南京大學 合作單位:School of Information Management 簽約合作:2013 MOU https://im.nju.edu.cn/eng/main.psp Nankai University 南開大學 合作單位:Department of Information Resources Management 簽約合作:2014 學生交換 http://nankai.en.school.cucas.cn